The Worldwide Launch of Yeshivat Shuvu in Portuguese & the Ahavat Olam Siddur!
The worldwide Launch of Yeshivat Shuvu in Portuguese and the Ahavat Olam Siddur! Ahavat Ammi International is delighted to announce a historic and prophetic milestone with the opening of the Ahavat Ammi Portuguese, an educational branch of Yeshivat Shuvu Portuguese, along with the release of the Ahavat Olam Siddur which is now available in Brazil for pre-order. Rabbi Shapira, the founder of Ahavat Ammi Ministries commented:
The work among the Portuguese speakers worldwide is not only important for Ahavat Ammi Ministries as we continue to grow the largest Messianic Yeshiva worldwide. It represents something even more specific as a prophetic move of G-D among Portuguese speakers worldwide. The returning of Portuguese speakers back to the Jewish roots of the faith represents a direct fulfillment of the words of Jeremiah the prophet who proclaimed: “Sing aloud in praise, and say: Save, O LORD, Your people, the remnant of Israel.” In this season G-D is preparing the spiritual and physical remnant to return to the house of Israel, and Yeshivat Shuvu International is fully committed to the Portuguese people worldwide.
In the first stage of the Yeshiva registration, Ahavat Ammi International decided to greatly subsidize the original introductory program with instructors from both Israel and the United States. More information is available at https://pt.shuvu.tv/. Rabbi Shapira commented:
The introductory program Kosher Pastor offer seven incredible courses which were produced professionally. Some were recorded in Israel with our resident expert scholar Eldad Keynan. Pastor Matt McKeown brought another dimension of understanding to those who seek to return to the house of Israel. The original program will serve as a catalyst for the future programs into the Portuguese language. Our vision of establishing a healthy, balanced and strong Messianic Jewish movement is being fulfilled in front of our eyes. There is no program like Yeshivat Shuvu in the Portuguese language today, and we are blessed to bring it to our Portuguese brothers and sisters.
You can submit your application now at: https://pt.shuvu.tv/inscricao/. The Yeshiva will be opened during Pesach, and registration is available now.
Ahavat Ammi Ministries is thrilled to announce the release of the Ahavat Olam Siddur to Portuguese today. The siddur is available for immediate pre-order from Brazil effective immediately. More information can be found at https://pt.shuvu.tv/sidur-ahavat-olam/ Rabbi Shapira concluded:
The Ahavat Olam siddur is the cornerstone in returning the prayers of the house of Israel into the Portuguese speakers and the B’nei Anusim. The idea that the descendants of the Anusim found in Brazil today without ability to join back to the house of Israel, represent a unique opportunity. The Ahavat Olam Siddur gives Brazilians the great tool for joining back into the house of Israel, while remaining firm in Messiah.
For more information on this press release write us at portuguese@shuvu.tv or visit us at https://pt.shuvu.tv
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