Pastor and Rabbi team up to teach Christians about the Jewishness of Jesus
Pastor Matt McKeown has studied under Messianic Rabbi Itzhak Shapira for nearly 4 years. This learning and discovery has led the pastor and the rabbi to create a 3 course online program that teaches Christians about the Jewishness of Jesus and the Bible.
“Even after 2,000 years of study we have still missed the Jewish essence of the New Testament” Pastor Matt says.
Rabbi Shapira adds, “Operation Light to the Nations has been a high priority for us at Ahavat Ammi ministries for a long time. With the revolutionary release of Kosher Pastor we are now equipping thousands of Christians on their path to restoration. This is truly an historic release that coupled with Yeshivat Shuvu offers a complete education and discipleship platform for Jews and Gentiles alike.”
The program, which launches globally September 24th, includes the courses “Introduction to Messianic Jewish Thought”, “The Jewishness of the Gospels” and “The Five Hebrew Words That Will Change Your Life”. This groundbreaking set of 26 total lessons is available for an introductory cost of $150 per course or a bundle of all 3 for $300.
To pre-register please visit https://kosherpastor.yeshiva.shuvu.tv
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