Expansion of Yeshivat Shuvu
Yeshivat Shuvu welcomes Dr. Chris Greene to the teaching staff of Yeshivat Shuvu and the launching of new course titled “God’s healing Code” that is available now at Yeshivat Shuvu.
Rabbi Shapira commented:
It has been our long term desire to establish a complete Jewish education program that is not limited to only theological training, but also includes other aspects of our testimony. Dr. Greene’s addition to the teaching staff of Yeshivat Shuvu is an important step in our vision at Yeshivat Shuvu.
Dr. Christopher Greene, D.C. is an author, wellness consultant, and diet and exercise expert.
Over 30 years of clinical experience and a decade long immersion into the Hebrew language and Jewish thought has resulted in the book: G-D’S HEALING CODE-A BIBLICAL PRESCRIPTION RESTORING BODY AND SOUL and the companion workbook G-D’S HEALING CODE-THE SUCCESS MANUAL.
Dr. Greene commented:
What an honor to be invited by Rabbi Shapira to serve and teach at this amazing Messianic ministry. In a time that is truly prophetic, the Jewish Messiah has called us from around the World to hear His Voice and walk in His Ways. Now more than ever, the Shalom of Yeshua is needed. As His disciples, our job is to spread the Good News. Carrying out this mission requires strength and stamina both spiritually and physically. But there is a force that opposes us and will stop at nothing to thwart our efforts. Prayer, study, worship and song—all essential practices for the spiritual battle. But what about the physical realm? Are you protected from the fiery darts of disease and illness? High blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and more; all are on the rise and each one a serious threat. The Bible holds specific instructions that shield against these physical afflictions. Through the Divine Hebrew Language (Lashon Ha Kodesh) solutions that erase pain and restore health can be known. It is my privilege to teach you these truths as together we shine the light of Yeshua to a lost and dying world.
Dr. Greene commented further on the release of G-D’s healing code to Yeshivat Shuvu:
Combining modern medicine with ancient Hebrew, the G-d’s Healing Code series provides practical answers proven to heal. From heart disease to cancer, the majority of disease has one thing in common—inflammation. Learning the Biblical basis for diet and exercise, much can be done to reduce inflammation and reverse the disease it brings. Shalom means more than peace, it’s Hebrew for health. Learning the ways of Yeshua is learning a lifestyle of health. The teachings found in G-d’s Healing Code will have you experiencing this kind of shalom in no time!
To learn more about Yeshivat Shuvu and Dr. Greene visit us at www.shuvu.tv
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